Friday, August 1, 2008

Look Out, Here Comes August

Wow, it's hard to believe that it's August already. Where has all the time gone?

Of course, you're probably looking for the new pets, and August has a whole bunch of new releases. We're happy to announce that Cottage Soapworks has gotten a few of the new August pets. Come on down to snag a Cocoa Dinosaur, Deer, Fantail Goldfish, Silverback Gorilla, Skunk, Lil' Kinz Blue Jay, Lil' Kinz Gecko, and the Lil' Kinz Lioness!

Remember, these are VERY limited numbers right now, so if you want them before we get the rest of our shipment in two weeks, you'll want to come down or call right away. Look for the American Albino, Caramel Lion, and Manatee coming soon in that next shipment.

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